Friday, January 9, 2015

Questionable Quantities in MATLAB

I am proud to introduce Quantities for MATLAB. Quantities is an units and uncertainties package for MATLAB. It is inspired by Pint, a Python package for quantities.


Clone or download the Quantities package to your MATLAB folder as +Quantities.


  1. Construct a units registry, which contains all units, constants, prefixes and dimensions.
  2.     >> ureg = Quantities.unitRegistry
      ureg = 
      Map with properties:
            Count: 279
          KeyType: char
        ValueType: any
  3. Optionally pass verbosity parameter to unitRegistry to see list of units loaded.
  4.     >> ureg = Quantities.unitRegistry('v',2)
  5. Units and constants can be indexed from the unitRegsitry using their name or alias in parentheses or as dot-notation. The unit, constant and quantity class all subclass to double so you can perform any operation on them. Combining a double with a unit creates a quantity class object.
  6.     >> T1 = 45*ureg('celsius') % index units using parentheses or dot notation
        T1 =
            45 ± 0 [degC];
        >> T2 = 123.3*ureg.degC % index units by name or by alias
        T2 =
            123.3 ± 0 [degC];
        >> heat_loss = ureg.stefan_boltzmann_constant*(T1^4 - T2^4)
        heat_loss =
            -819814 ± 0 [gram*second^-3];
  7. Perform operations. All units are converted to base.
  8.     >> T2.to_base
        ans =
            396.45 ± 0 [kelvin];
        >> heat_loss = ureg.stefan_boltzmann_constant*(T1.to_base^4 - T2.to_base^4)
        heat_loss =
            -819814 ± 0 [gram*second^-3];
  9. Add uncertainty to quantities by calling constructor. Uncertainty is propagated using 1st order linear combinations.
  10.     >> T3 = Quantities.quantity(56.2, 1.23, ureg.degC)
        T3 =
            56.2 ± 1.23 [degC];
        >> heat_loss = ureg.stefan_boltzmann_constant*(T1^4 - T3^4)
        heat_loss =
            -86228.1 ± 9966.66 [gram*second^-3];
  11. Convert output to different units.
  12.     >> heat_loss_kg = heat_loss.convert(^3)
        heat_loss_kg =
            -819.814 ± 0 [kilogram*second^-3];
  13. Determine arbitrary conversion factor.
  14.     >> conversion_factor = ureg.mile.convert(
        conversion_factor =
            1.60934 ± 0 [kilometer];
MATLAB Syntax Highlighter brush by Will Schleter

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